ANZ LMI Waiver Policy

Eligible professionals can apply for new or increased lending with an LVR of up to 95% without the requirement for Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI).

There is a limit of loan amount and total Mortgage Lending plus other requirements.

The LMI waiver is not automatically applied. An eligible borrower must request the waiver, provide any required documentation to show their eligibility and meet the requirements outlined as per ANZ policy. Please discuss with us and confirm your eligibility and maximum LVR. Security need be acceptable by the lenders. Other credit terms and conditions apply.

1/ Eligible Medical Preofessions

Group 1: Medical Practitioner, Dental Practitioner (division must be “dentist”), Specialists (Eligible specialists as identifies in AHPRA as: Profession: Medical Practitioner Registration Type: Specialist)

Group 2: Physiotherapist, Chirpractor, Optometrist, Vets

2/ Accountants

3/ Legal Professinals


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